Other Things

This page is about photo sets of various happenings and topics.

Icicles on Houses

These are a set of photographs I took while driving one day on a road along Deep Creek Lake in Garrett County, MD. These are all icicles hanging from roofs and gutters of people's houses. Some were over two feet(60 cm) in diameter. They look pretty, but caused, in some cases, a lot of damage.

Icicles (winter 2009-2010)

Ms. Rose

About two weeks ago (today is 21 April 2010) a mallard duck decided to set up house in our herbs planter box rights outside our dining room window on the deck fronting the lake. We watched her lay an egg, then leave it to coming back the following day and at which time she lay another egg. We thought she was a ’duck in training’ because she left her eggs uncovered after sitting on them for only a short time every day.

She kept coming back laying an egg every day until, we believe, she laid seven eggs. Then she began to set on them, the whole day, leaving only for about hour in the evening. Apparently this is common behavior according to this article. More about Mallards here.

The duck has been named ’Ms. Rose’ and is now world famous (well.. several people in Europe know about her). Every once in a while I take a photo and some of them are assembled in the following photo gallery:

28 April 2010 - As of today all the eggs are gone! Yesterday, early in the morning, about 6:30am, I saw Ms Rose on the nest fidgeting. A couple of hours later when I checked again, she was gone and there were only three eggs left. When I went to bed, last night, they were still there. This morning when I got up they were gone. I guess some creature must have gotten to them. I haven't seen or heard any activity though. Oh well... that's life!

I added a couple of photos so you can see what went on, and I guess that that's the end of this adventure.

Ms Rose (spring 2010)

A Coyote at Ridgeview Valley

These are some of the photographs I took during a 45 minute period when a coyote was feasting on the vermin that was stirred up by the hay mower. At one point we got to within about 30 yards of it, sitting in a car while taking pictures.

A Coyote (20 October 2010)


These are some pictures taken of Jason Frazee in lieu of the standard high school graduating pictures. These were taken at Ridgeview Valley. His mother and grandmother are in some of the photos.

Jason Frazee (October 2010)

This page is updated as appropriate.

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